007 Skyfall

| "007 Skyfall" Title Sequence

The James Bond 007 film series has always been notable for elaborate and recognizable opening title sequences. Director Heebok Lee, a long time 007 film series fan, decided to create an homage piece based on the 2012 film “Skyfall.” Other than the song by Adele and the original screen credit roll, no other assets from the original title sequence was used. Everything was created from scratch by Giantstep. Whereas the original sequence was more focused on Bond’s out-of-body experience, Heebok Lee and Giantstep chose to focus more on the temptation of death itself: Bond reaches the bottom of a pit, struggles internally, and is lured precariously close to death. However, he regains himself and stands stronger and more resolute than ever before from his inner battle.

Brand | “007 Skyfall” Title Sequence
Director | Heebok Lee